Tag Archives: adventure

Find Joy In Your Work

What if your job needed you to stay awake for 40 hours straight? Would you do it?

What if it wasn’t even your job, and for a friend’s job? Would you do it?

A couple weeks ago, that’s exactly what happened. A personal and showbiz friend was going to miss a flight from Chicago to Boston due to airline interruptions, which meant he was going to miss his show in Boston the next day.

As soon as he got the alert at 11pm that the next morning’s flight was down, I looked at the map and saw it was a 17 hour drive, and the show was in 19 hours.

I looked at him and said, “If we leaveĀ right now we can make it. Let’s do this!”

Without a moment’s hesitation, he says, “OK. Let’s go!”

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Road Food

Heading to Vegas!

This is a story of success and not-quite-so-much-success.

I’m currently in Denver stopped at a Starbucks in the middle of the drive from Chicago to Vegas. For the first time, I decided to try something new; bring my own food with me on the road.

It was my sweetie’s idea, and it’s fantastic.

Here are 3 reasons why.Keep Reading