

Holding onto anger can rob you of motivation. If you are constantly reminded of the wrongs someone has done to you, that’s time spent not working on something productive. It is literally stealing happiness from your life.

I often have trouble letting go of the grudges I’ve built over the years.

When someone I hold a grudge against comes by, I used to think it was like a happiness thief was coming by to steal my happy.

Then, one day, I thought, “You know what, I should just give my happiness if someone needs it. There’s more from where that came from.”

Happiness is not a zero sum game where someone can steal your happiness. You can choose to meet the situation with integrity and focus on how you can be present in the moment.

Even with people you’d rather not be around.

Realizing you’re in control of your happiness will help you realize you’re in control of your motivation, too.

Go on ahead and GET HAPPY!

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