Tag Archives: excitement

Find Your Passion

Find Your Passion

I knew when I took the booking what I was signing up for.

Overnight driving after a gig. 2 hours’ sleep in a hotel room before having to get to a 6am flight out. Napping on the floor during a layover. Getting held up with bumper-to-bumper traffic on the drive from the airport to the next engagement. Being delayed in traffic long enough that the hour buffer I intended to spend getting presentable at the hotel gets eaten up, meaning I have to go straight to the venue feeling grungy.

I went a whole day without eating because I knew I needed those catnaps more than I needed food.

And I love it.

What in the world could possibly be more important than sleeping and eating?Keep Reading


Enthusiasm is infectious.

The word “enthusiasm” is derived from the latin “enthūsiasmus” which means “possession by a god”. It is a divine energy that gives rise to action.
It is your enthusiasm that breathes life into a project. If you want someone else to be excited about something, you must first be excited yourself.

Without enthusiasm for your work, the quality of your results diminishes drastically. You’ve certainly completed a task you really didn’t want to do. It’s excruciating.Keep Reading