Inbox for Your Mind


Google’s new project Inbox is phenomenal.

There are a couple fundamental changes to the typical approach to email that make it an incredible email management system. . . and metaphor for understanding how your mind works.

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Player 1


When I was younger, I’d always want to play video games while my brother was in the middle of an epic campaign. His solution was as clever as it was devious.

He would hand me a controller that wasn’t plugged into the console.


I would think I was playing a game for HOURS when I wasn’t actually doing anything at all.

This is a great metaphor for life.

Most people go through their lives without taking control & letting others dictate their feelings and beliefs.

The first step to getting plugged in is to take responsibility for your choices and understanding the quality of life you lead is directly related to the quality of choices you make.

So take control of your beliefs, strategies, and choices if you want to win the game of life.

Get plugged in!

Find Your Passion

Find Your Passion

I knew when I took the booking what I was signing up for.

Overnight driving after a gig. 2 hours’ sleep in a hotel room before having to get to a 6am flight out. Napping on the floor during a layover. Getting held up with bumper-to-bumper traffic on the drive from the airport to the next engagement. Being delayed in traffic long enough that the hour buffer I intended to spend getting presentable at the hotel gets eaten up, meaning I have to go straight to the venue feeling grungy.

I went a whole day without eating because I knew I needed those catnaps more than I needed food.

And I love it.

What in the world could possibly be more important than sleeping and eating?Keep Reading


“Creative energy is the natural result of actualizing motivation.”

Thanks to Rotary Club of Chicago!

Huge shout out to the folks at the Rotary Club of Chicago!

Thank you for making me feel so welcome, and I’m so glad to have gotten the chance to meet so many of you after the presentation. Hope you heard something useful.

Don’t hesitate to get in touch through here, Facebook, or Google+.

What a beautiful venue, and classy joint! If you ever get a chance to swing by one of their meetings, I highly recommend it!

And as I mentioned in the presentation, here are some of the other projects I work on:

and look me up on Facebook, and/or Google+!