Tag Archives: limiting

Birds In A Cage

What cage have you built?

Our thoughts can either set us free, or keep us trapped.

So many people build a cage to keep their beliefs safe, and wind up only keeping their dreams from reaching their potential.

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How to Identify Limiting Beliefs

Limiting beliefs are those beliefs impeding your progress towards a healthy, positive, and productive life spent achieving your goals & enriching your life. Limiting beliefs drain you of motivation, and undermine your efforts before you even get started.

Maybe you believe you can’t sing, dance, or maybe you’re convinced you’re unworthy of being loved. Whatever the belief, you have to realize it’s holding you back before you can move forward.

One of the most insidious parts of limiting beliefs is you’ve believed them for so long, they seem completely real. It certainly seems like you have enough experiences to back up your reason for believing it. The more references you have to back up the belief, the stronger your conviction the belief is real.

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