Dreams Come True

Dreams Come True

Sometimes magic is real.

This week I flew out to Vegas for a consulting job. It’s literally the job of my dreams. (Literally in the literal sense, not the figuratively literal sense.)

Sometimes the best motivation is being recognized for a lifetime’s worth of effort. Many times you can feel discouraged because you think no one is noticing all your work, but know that eventually someone will notice.

And sometimes that someone is really, really, really important.

That’s what happened to me this week. After years of hard work, people in the right place at the right time showed a lot of trust in me.

I can’t share any details other than I went to Vegas (contractually obligated not to discuss particulars), but I really wanted to share the excitement that comes with getting a magnificent opportunity, and not screwing it up.

Right now, I’m feeling pretty freakin’ motivated!

Let’s do this!

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